Thursday, July 23, 2009

Another Month drawing to a close.

Pretty much almost no one reads this but I still post it for some reason. I am going to Griffin Tech in the fall. I've said this before but now it's official.
That's all for today.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A new post?

Yes my first post in months. I haven't had this on my list of priorities the last few months because I've been busy. First of all Team Take2 productions is now Dimension2 Media. Second Insea Online is now going by Dimension Online. I don't think it will launch until at the least next year. I did not get rid of the Insea branding though. Insea will be the name of a server software line that is planned to launch between now and 2012. Parallel Web Concepts which is the parent company of all of my projects is not doing so well right now. It's not the fact that the services we offer are bad, but the fact that we are not well known. Luckily our small staff does this for fun on the side which means we don't expect pay unless the company actually makes money off of our services. You can't find better service anywhere else. Where else would you find a staff that's willing to work for free?
That's it for today.