Sunday, September 13, 2009

Blog will be moving

When I get my new personal website finished, I will move my blog there. Hopefully then it will get the attention it deserves.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Another Month drawing to a close.

Pretty much almost no one reads this but I still post it for some reason. I am going to Griffin Tech in the fall. I've said this before but now it's official.
That's all for today.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A new post?

Yes my first post in months. I haven't had this on my list of priorities the last few months because I've been busy. First of all Team Take2 productions is now Dimension2 Media. Second Insea Online is now going by Dimension Online. I don't think it will launch until at the least next year. I did not get rid of the Insea branding though. Insea will be the name of a server software line that is planned to launch between now and 2012. Parallel Web Concepts which is the parent company of all of my projects is not doing so well right now. It's not the fact that the services we offer are bad, but the fact that we are not well known. Luckily our small staff does this for fun on the side which means we don't expect pay unless the company actually makes money off of our services. You can't find better service anywhere else. Where else would you find a staff that's willing to work for free?
That's it for today.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

here we go

well I don't have anything interesting to say. I haven't got much work done on Insea but I'm off all week so i'll probably get back to work on that. More updates on that as it becomes available. For those of you that don't know what Insea Online is it is a website i'm developing.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Networking or Notworking?

Networking or notworking was a workshop I went to at yesterdays FBLA conference. Little did I know I would actually add someone to my network. I added two people in this workshop to my network so the answer to the title is networking. I've built up my network and will now celebrate.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

construction workers

Here's what i've noticed in construction today at the remodeling of my grandmothers house.
  1. Did not hook up exhaust vent to bathroom fan.
  2. Sheetrocked where molding is supposed to go.
  3. Put wrong receptacle for ceiling fan.
  4. did not mud the ceiling flat.
  5. broke bathroom air vent.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I used to do alot of roleplaying a few years ago. One day I stopped roleplaying. I just recently started rping again and the posting requirements are different. There are tags for out of context phrases now. That's definitely new to me. You used to didn't go out of context in an rp thread. Well that's it for today.

Monday, March 16, 2009

website interests

I find that after being a member of any website for a few months and don't move up in rank or no new features are added i'm less likely to post or visit as often. I know I can't move up on every website but you at least need new features. If you don't add features it gets boring and people start to leave. I know this firsthand from when I started my first website back several years ago. New features keep the members onboard.

add one minus two

Ah, there should be an old saying like that. Everytime I gain one friend on msn I lose two. It's really weird because I try to be friendly and kind but it doesn't help the matter. I don't know what it is but I still have a few regulars that will never leave. A few of those include Najah, and Tsuna Fish. To any of you that may be reading this thanks for sticking with me. Well i've got things to ponder. See ya.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Become a follower

This blog needs followers. If you would like to become one the link is to the right. Go ahead and show your support for my blog. Become a follower.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Today's entry

So I named the new forum community social site. It's going to be called Insea Online. I hope everyone comes to it when it's finally open.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Today's entry

Well it's Sunday. The time changed so I lost an hour of sleep. My weekend has been a very unproductive. Don't get me wrong I very much enjoyed my weekend it was just short. I don't have very much to say today so that's it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I set up my temporary blog

So I plan on building my own blog(too busy to build it now). The weekends seem so short this semester. The weeks so long. I have virtually no time to get anything accomplished because all my time is consumed by meaningless tasks my parents assign. I've been working on a social networking site that is taking longer than it should because of how little time I have. It seems like another weekend is quickly wrapping up. I'll be back at school again before I know it.